Monday, November 19, 2012

The Twinkie Manifesto -

The Twinkie Manifesto - Paul Krugman

"There are, let’s face it, some people in our political life who pine for the days when minorities and women knew their place, gays stayed firmly in the closet and congressmen asked, “Are you now or have you ever been?” The rest of us, however, are very glad those days are gone. We are, morally, a much better nation than we were. Oh, and the food has improved a lot, too.

Along the way, however, we’ve forgotten something important — namely, that economic justice and economic growth aren’t incompatible. America in the 1950s made the rich pay their fair share; it gave workers the power to bargain for decent wages and benefits; yet contrary to right-wing propaganda then and now, it prospered. And we can do that again."

2 comments: said...

"who pine for the days when minorities and women knew their place,..."

Good Morning, Charles. We've never met, but I thought of you last night while I watched Rajneeshpuram. I wondered if your sublime play, Christmas at the Juniper Tavern ever got released on video? I taped it and enjoy it still.

Tom's New Math is one of my favorite songs. Thanks for your reminder of him.

Unions are busted, sad to say. Not once did anyone refer to the NFL's replacement refs as scabs.

Regan modified the CPI formula so Cost of Living clauses in contracts were negated. I seen it coming when he was elected.

Now the price of a new car is "adjusted" for the CPI. Additions such as safety or emission or even feel-good accessories no longer raise the price of this year's models over last-years. Hence one percent inflation. BS.

Happy Thanksgiving at Nobby's or wherever you land when you quit floating. Paul

Charles Deemer said...

JUniper Tav video is available online at and also as a DVD on request.