Sunday, March 25, 2012

Theories of Rhetoric and Composition Pedagogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Theories of Rhetoric and Composition Pedagogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

In this article I learn that I am a "radical expressivist." My 1967 essay "English Composition as a Happening" still rocks the boat! This is cool, always good to stir the pot. But I'm not a radical expressivist. Honest. I'm a Scorpio.
Radical expressivists Charles Deemer and William Lutz also suggest that English composition should be taught as and considered a sort of Happening. Deemer locates the problem with the composition course in its lack of subject content and asserts that writing demands inspiration that can be attained from teacher-induced Happenings, as “clear writing and clear thought follow only after clear periences.”[10] 

The essay was written for a seminar in grad school, and the professor suggested I send it off for publication. It was quickly accepted and published, appearing shortly before my literary short stories began to appear. But this comes from the same cloth. This was the beginning of my sense of writing from whole cloth, cloth now folded and put away. 1967-2012, 45 years. Not too shabby if I say so myself.


Anonymous said...

Funny, Charles. I know Bill Lutz, and used to have Buffalo wings with him regularly.

Charles Deemer said...

Far out, Eric.

Remember this?:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks for that, Charlie Bob. I hope you liked it.
FWIW, it is the longest published piece I've written (to date).