Friday, July 30, 2010

Home sweet home

Took a break and saw Winter's Bone this afternoon. It's a very good and moving film. However, I'd read so much damn hype about it, a part of me was disappointed to discover it's not the best film ever produced. That's the trouble with hype. And man, we live in the Age of Hype.

I have good rough cuts of the Yost interview in two parts. If I worked more tonight, I likely could get it online but I think I'll let it rest and come back with fresh eyes tomorrow.

I have to play a lot of banjo tomorrow. Already I'm falling into the same pattern after classes end as last time, playing far less than when class was going on.

I'm getting the itch to make a new film. But it doesn't have to be a film with actors. I just want something to edit ha ha.

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