Monday, October 05, 2009

Navy football

On one of the cable sports channels, I stumbled upon highlight short films of Navy football teams in the late 1950s, years when I would have watched the games on early TV with my dad. A Navy brat who joined the Army, I've remained a Navy fan all my life, the triumph of childhood experience.

I was thinking of my dad earlier because I have to renew my driver's license and I'm nearing the age when my dad was refused a license. He responded by keeping his old one before it expired and immediately began a 6000 mile road trip from east to west coast and back. That'll show them. I think he ended up getting it reneewed after all. Can't remember. What else is new ha ha?

Got copies of a flier for the 25th anniversary event in December.

Some student writing exercises to look at before class tomorrow. Later today or first thing in the morning.

Have to reread King Lear. One of my grad students is adapting it.

A nice mellow day, all in all. I like days when I get to move slowly since this has become my natural speed of late. Older = slower + sorer.

A few former students have taken the trouble to tell me how much they like Deconstructing Sally. I appreciate learning this.

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