Thursday, October 15, 2009

Finishing Baumholder?

This may be the weekend I get the Cold War off my back and finish this project I've been wrestling with for 40 years! The insight that the novel is, in fact, a novella is the great insight. I've embraced the 75 good pages I have, cropped the last 10 or so, added a new ending in my head, played it many times, and I think everything works. I hope to write it out this weekend, then print it, then spend next week with the red pen, and before the end of the month, I may finally finally FINALLY have written about my Army experiences in the Army Security Agency during the height of the Cold War, i.e. the Berlin Wall going up. To no surprise, it's in the tradition of M.A.S.H. and Catch-22. But it will come in at 100 pages or so, short and sweet, and it's really a buddy story, not unlike Hooker and Bear in my novel -- indeed, this might be them, renamed, earlier in their relationship.

It's looking good and sounding good in my head. Hope to get it on paper starting tomorrow. This is exciting, cautiously exciting. It's been the longest creative journey of my career. 40 years for 100 pages!

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