Sunday, April 11, 2010

Remembering Ger

I remember my late close friend Ger Moran every year at this time, watching the Masters. Ger loved golf, played it, sometimes taught it. I miss him. From previous posts:

I met Ger, my best friend in Portland (deceased; all my closest friends here are deceased), while hanging out at a sidewalk cafe in NW. A hot day, I was sipping gin and tonics, alone, just mellowing out. Ger and a lady showed up. After a bit, Ger came over and asked if I was Charles Deemer. The lady was a fan of my plays, and Ger was new in town. He invited me to join their table, I did, and I discovered Ger had a theater background in SF before we went into banking (!). He was moving here from Seattle. To make a long story short, I intro'd him to the artsy crowd at Nobby's and Seafood Mama's, the two artsy hangouts in NW then, and he fit in immediately. We became real tight.
Ger the crooner

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