Monday, July 07, 2008

New summer rhythm

I made a difficult decision. I'm dropping my senior music classes, at least for the summer. They progress painstakingly slow, which is great during the school term when I'm so busy, but with my time my own now, I feel like one hand is tied behind my back, the classes move so slowly. I know enough now to do this on my own much more efficiently, and I also can focus more on the kind of music I'm interested in. The DVD I've been going through also is excellent, which keeps a structure to what I'm doing. And I have some good books. (And I save all that driving across town.) I love the teacher, which made dropping difficult. But I can drop by and see him from time to time, I know ... and I may plug back into the senior system come fall, when my classes start and I get busy again.

But the classes became less fun, particularly piano, after the initial group of guys broke up. For the first year, we were a tight group. Now I was the last one left. The social attraction of the class had disappeared.

At any rate, I'm doing this to enhance my music studies -- do more, progress faster -- depending on my own discipline. I've already begun.

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