Monday, July 14, 2008


First meeting today with actors in the summer silent comedy, a group one of them calls Deemer's Video Players. Not a bad name. At any rate, we'll read through the short script, discuss "emoting" it for silent presentation, and workshop it. Also testing some video things, like makeup v. no makeup. Tomorrow I check out one of the locations. Still looking for a high bed, one an actor can crawl under for a POV shot. Don't they make high beds any more?

Yesterday I got about half the new splay red-inked. Hopefully do the rest this afternoon after the meeting.

Behind on music studies and must catch up early in the week. Lights going off in my head: for example, "I get no kick from champaign" is the ascending minor scale. "Fly me to the moon" is descending-ascending-descending partial major scale. Pieces of information begin to fit together and make sense.

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