Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yes, no, and irrelevant

Most of what matters to me as a writer finds the net irrelevant. It has many practical uses, such as research and public blogging, which replaces what used to be prolific letter writing. But the actual work of writing, creating a narrative, has no more to do with the Internet than with the sports page, the menu, or the weather. The interior space is still an interior space. (Link from Nurse Fusion.)

Is The Net Good For Writers?

Now the web — and its democratizing impact — has spread for over a decade. Over a billion people can deliver their text to a very broad public. It's a fantastic thing which gives a global voice to dissidents in various regions, makes people less lonely by connecting other people with similar interests and problems, ad infinitum.
But what does it mean for writers and writing? What does it mean for those who specialize in writing well?
 blog it

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