Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday music

H twisted my arm (bribed me with lunch at an Italian restaurant) to go with her to the music service at the Unitarian church. Meanwhile I finished my last student this morning -- or at least last script at hand. Still waiting for late work and the deadline nears.

Today I should make scrapple. I also should work on the novel. I have a new and good idea: to make a limited edition of the draft POD and circulate it to a few friends for feedback. I usually don't do this -- it's usually not necessary, which is to say, the story usually is straight-forward enough. But given the complexity of this one, might be worth checking if a couple good readers I know actually "get it." Might change my mind but that's the thought now. (Also it will then exist in some form sooner -- a consideration given my day by day good fortune, which one day will end.)

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