Thursday, November 18, 2010

Joseph A. Palermo: D-Day in the Class War

Joseph A. Palermo: D-Day in the Class War:

"And how are working taxpayers repaid for the assistance they've given to their fellow citizens of the investing class? They get 'commissions' and 'foundations' and elite 'study groups' that are orchestrating the next giant rip-off of America's middle class.

Few in the press seem to want to educate the public about how we got into this fiscal crisis in the first place or why projected budget surpluses at the beginning of the Bush years were so needlessly squandered. And remember, those surpluses were turned into deficits through 'bipartisan' agreements, such as the Bush tax cuts, the wars, and the bailouts. There's also precious little mention of the grotesque inequality in American society these days, which is worse than even during the Gilded Age. The establishment press seems determined to avoid the obvious conclusion: The rich, the super-rich, and the super-duper rich (as well as the conglomerates) must pay more in taxes to get the United States through the crisis. Ending the two debilitating wars and rolling back what Eisenhower called the 'military-industrial complex' should be next. And the billions of dollars wasted in corporate welfare each year must be diverted to human needs."

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