Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oregon on ESPN

The football mess debated on video here.

I blame the coach. I blamed him from day one, way back after the first game's slugging incident for not throwing the guy off the team, no questions asked. Instead it was a ban for the season that later was not a ban for the season. The coach is a double-standard wimp. Throw these jerks off the team, period. Where are the standards for behavior? It's a joke. It's an embarrassment to the university and the state.

I blame the AD also because he hasn't reprimanded the coach. It doesn't help that Nike is the secret money lord behind the scenes. The entire football program at Oregon is corrupt. Knock it down and start over. If the university Prez tried that, he'd be hung.

I swear, the best thing that could happen to university sports is to ban athletic scholarships. Make the NFL and NBA start their own farm systems, like baseball has. The university doesn't need this kind of money, athletics gets most of it anyway, because it tears down the academic standards hugely with these one-and-done clowns who couldn't care less about a university education. Sure, there actually are student-athletes but they don't need jock scholarships, they need academic scholarships.

College sports, especially football and basketball, have become free farm systems for professional sports. The whole deal is corrupt and benefits only professional sports.

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