Friday, June 15, 2012

Round Bend Press: Three Women

Round Bend Press: Three Women:

TS's good tribute to three actresses in town in the glory days.

Amy had some time in the sun through her work at Storefront Theatre, including a much publicized nude role. We had a very brief period of mutual flirtation during the same era, which we liked to joke about for years afterward.

Diana directed revivals of several of my plays in the 1990s. She also performed in my hyperdrama "The Bride of Edgefield," at the McMenamen brothers classy eastside eatery and more. For a period, in my living-on-grants rhythm, I rented a room from her in a sprawling Victorian and got to know her kids pretty well. Diana, sadly, had finally found happiness with a guy and a life -- and in no time at all, both were gone.

I didn't know Danae as well as the others. She poured me lots of beer at Nobby's, and I knew she had talent.

There's a great photo of the three together at the link above.

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