Thursday, May 03, 2012

Remembering old chops

The bane of beginning harmonica players is called "the 2 hole draw," inhaling on hole 2 (G on a C harp) for a note. It's one of the harder notes to make strongly and clearly, and there's actually a technical reason for this. At any rate, I wasn't doing too well myself until this morning after watching a video on the problem. Aha! I remembered, and by puckering more (kiss your lover and not your grandma, is the great instruction) and getting the instrument farther into my mouth, here it came, loud and clear.

If you play blues, you do so in "cross harp" (C harp for the key of G, i.e. the V chord), which makes the 2 hole draw the root. Important note! For cheaters, the 3 hole blow is also a G but you can't bend it, so the 2 hole draw, bendable, is the way to go.

Amazing how technical all of this can get. The Harmonica Academy material, I must say, is first rate, which is where I found the link to the video on YouTube.

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