Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pass it on

Some time back I dashed out a short Kindle ebook called Staying Sober Without AA (or religion, ideology, dogma, peer pressure, spousal ultimatums, deals, trade-offs, wagers, false promises, fear, loneliness, self-delusion and other popular crutches), just to let folks know it can be done. I did it. I identified my "higher power" as Science, or Knowledge. Well, this book sells better than anything I have out there. Now and again I get a response, like this one:
Your article put me on a trail that gives me new resolution. Knowledge is a wonderful quest. Hope you write more if there are any new developments. The two books you suggested have given me an empowered outlook at alcoholic addiction. Any and all reading suggestions would be welcomed.
Hope he does as well as I have.

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