Sunday, May 06, 2012

Current reading

BAD BLOOD: Lyndon B. Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy, and the Tumultuous 1960s by Jeffrey Smith
The Vice-President was also aware that RFK regularly poked fun at him, nicknaming LBJ and his wife, Lady Bird, Uncle Cornpone and Mrs. Pork Chop. 

 The Cold War: A New History by John Lewis Gaddis
It was at least as easy to believe, in 1945, that authoritarian communism was the wave of the future as that democratic capitalism was.

 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer

Wanted to read this for ages, never had the time. Recently I found a Kindle version for $2.99 and couldn't resist. It's a gem. History as a page-turner.
The idea of democracy, of rule by parliament, which made such rapid headway in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and which exploded in France in 1789, did not sprout in Germany. This political backwardness of the Germans, divided as they were into so many petty states and isolated in them from the surging currents of European thought and development, set Germany apart from and behind the other countries of the West. There was no natural growth of a nation. This has to be borne in mind if one is to comprehend the disastrous road this people subsequently took and the warped state of mind which settled over it.

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