Thursday, October 03, 2013

UCLA plays tonight

Thursday night football of special interest to me. Before then, will make a batch of scrapple using the leftover brother from yesterday's Bowl of the Soup of the Wife of Kit Carson, which was first rate! This is a fine soup: make turkey broth from scratch, then filter and add back the turkey, garbonzo beans, avacado slices and cheese squares (melted in broth). Man! Been a specialty of mine since I discovered it in grad school. Can't resist the name, of course.

Haven't made scrapple with a turkey broth base before ... curious how it turns out.

Playoffs in baseball have started, too, so I have lots of sports diversion from the utter madness of the news cycle.

I started watching Dark Skies last night, which I got because I admire the novel I'm reading by the creator of the 90s TV series, which I missed when it came out. So far, so good ... not great but entertaining.

Need to catch up on writing things tomorrow. I am making a lot of grunt work progress here in the office, which is nice.

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