Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bruins Nation roars

Man, the UCLA blogs are entertaining this morning.

Mora "Hire" Leak Looks Shady and Corrupt

Dan Guerrero is a corrupt idiot.
He has no trust from the fan base or from big time donors. The criticism of all aspects of his performance can be read here, on BRO, on Facebook, via twitter, and in traditional outlets like major newspapers including the LAT, and on national television. He has failed miserably in his two previous coaching hires.
And he still has the gall and short-mindedness to make this hire.
Never mind that Jim Mora is an awful choice. the whole manner of this coaching search and now in the way it was announced reeks of corruption and cowardice.

Wouldn't it be something if folks got this upset over academics. Well, actually in Eugene at the University of Oregon they came close when the university president was fired.

And on the brighter side for UCLA, the basketball coach finally found the good sense to kick his best player off the team for repeated insubordination. The kid's mother said he should have done it earlier.

I bet watching two teams with losing records, Army and Navy, is a highlight of the season later today. Football as a sport, not a business. What a concept.

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