Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Democrats, Stop Caving In

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Democrats, Stop Caving In:

"This is a pivotal moment in American history. The rich and large corporations are doing phenomenally well while the middle class is collapsing and poverty is increasing. Now is the time to answer the question that the Woody Guthrie song poignantly asked, "Which side are you on?" The Democrats must answer boldly that they are on the side of working families and the middle class and that they will fight to protect their interests."

The Democrats are spineless, Senator. You should start a new progressive party and bring in the Occupy movement.

Well over half a century (!) has passed since the Almanac Singers were singing, "Take the two old parties, mister; there's no difference that I see ..." And Mary Ellen Lease identified Wall Street as a problem in the late 19th century! Is there supposed to be reason for optimism in these facts?

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