Monday, August 29, 2011


I like Stanford in Pac 12 this year. They have a quarterback who could have gone pro and become an instant millionaire. He stayed to graduate, risking injury, etc., because it was this important to him. A mighty contrast to the character of my poor Ducks. But then Stanford, with its higher academic standards, always did have a higher priority on character in sports. I wish an Oregon university president would swing the hammer and get on this track. Fat chance with Big Daddy Nike in the wings. And, of course, many, probably a majority, alumni buy into the "win at any cost" mindset.

This is a critical year for UCLA if the coach wants to keep his job. He needs to get the team to a bowl game. They're having a good QB contest there, which gives them a strong backup if the first choice doesn't work out. I like the new guy myself.

I miss college football before the corporations took over.

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