Saturday, July 30, 2011

Book fairs

I've sold books at a few book fairs in my career but never made a habit of it. Most of my work isn't accessible to the general public. However, the recent book of poems is probably as accessible as anything I've done, so I looked at a brochure I rec'd about an upcoming bookfair. It would cost $30 to rent half a table and I doubt if I'd sell enough books to break even, especially if I calculate travel costs. Just not a commercial dude.

I remember one book fair when I was seated next to the very fine NW novelist Craig Lesley. I was selling Christmas at the Juniper Tavern, recently published. Down the way Jean Auel was selling her new book and HUNDREDS of readers, mostly ladies, were in a very long twisting line to get to her. Craig and I marveled at the phenomenon of the "popular author" (Craig would become much more popular himself later ... this may have been his first novel). Auel sold 100s of books that night. Craig sold half a dozen. I sold two. And this was my best experience with a book fair!

Actually, the best experiences connected to book fairs have been re-meeting people I haven't seen in years. They don't buy a book but it's great to see them!

I'd entertain a book fair where I don't have to pay for a spot. Like Oct 5 at First Wednesday at Blackbird. But so far nothing has dropped into my lap.

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