Saturday, April 02, 2011

How "Grey's Anatomy" suggests a term project

I'm not a fan of Grey's Anatomy. Strikes me as an often pretentious soap opera. However, H is a great fan and I often am reading while she watches it, so I learn something about it despite my dislike. But I was blown away last Thursday by the "musical" episode, which came off as something like a chamber opera, because I was engaged and moved by it. In fact, I loved it.

And this, of course, fed my interest in doing a short chamber opera on video. My term project could be writing the libretto for it. I don't have a story in mind, so I'm going to browse through Chekhov short stories to see if anything strikes me as adaptable to my needs. He writes the sort of thing that would work in this format (indeed I believe "The Good Doctor" was adapted musically to stage). I have 199 stories on my Kindle now -- surely something there might work. We'll see!

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