Sunday, January 09, 2011

No Ordinary Cross Hairs |

No Ordinary Cross Hairs |

"These cross hairs appeared on the website of an immensely high-profile political leader, indeed that of a former U.S. Vice-presidential Candidate. Tea Party Spokesperson Sarah Palin. This map targeted, with the cross hairs of a gun barrel, Rep Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). And to reinforce this map of 'targets,' Palin tweeted to conservatives last year 'Don't Retreat...Reload.'

These cross hairs hung in the air when 2010 Congressional-candidate Sharon Angle, another Tea Party favorite, said in an interview that people should exercise their Second Amendment Remedies."

Words like these create environments. Unstable minds respond to environments. Back in the 1960s, a writer friend told me, "the language has the syphilis." How right she was.

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