Saturday, August 01, 2009

Waking delusions

I woke up this morning from a dream in which I was performing Ramblin', my Woody Guthrie show, Well, with its timeless message and Guthrie's vision, the time is always right to resurrect it but frankly I don't have the energy it would take to get my chops to performance level. Too bad because the show smokes the few younger musicians performing Guthrie around here these days. It's tempting to resurrect it, just as it's tempting to use the sound files as the music track of a DVD documentary, but both take more work than I'm willing to commit at this late stage of my career. I'd rather do new things than repolish old things. I've performed the non-musical areas of the show in the last few years and enjoyed it, but it's the entire show that works best, no doubt the best editing job I've ever done. And this would be the show's 30th anniversary year. Ah, temptation! But I think not. The more awake I got this morning, the less the idea appealed to me, though when I first awoke I was ready to call Andy and book myself at Blackbird. Temptation v. sanity. Maybe sanity isn't the right word. Good sense. Or at least common sense.

If I tune my 12-string and play a song to see how it goes, I'm in trouble.

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