Sunday, July 19, 2009

Political activism

I'm not a political activist by temperament. On the contrary, I'm a secret ballot guy, so strong in my belief of the importance of this that I abhor lawn signs and bumper stickers as "bad form." I think the world would be a much better place if everyone kept their political opinions to themselves. Religious opinions, too.

So this recall activity doesn't come easily for me, and I'm definitely more passive in my style than others are. It takes a Major Issue on my scale of things to get me to do this.

The boss says we're just about on target with signatures so far. You wouldn't know it on my end ha ha. I know too many goddamn liberal ideologues. I'm beginning to think they're worse than conservative ideologues ha ha.

However, I think this recall procedure is out-dated and more difficult than it needs to be. Surely there's a way to find out electronically if enough folks want another election. I can understand making it hard enough to recall someone so it's not frivolous but this process reeks of 19th century methods. Dumb, inefficient way to find out where folks stand.

And as I do my rare dance of activism, I'm also reminded of the old lady who told me why she finally quit voting: "I don't want to encourage them." I wouldn't be surprised if I embrace this attitude before my race is done. I don't want to encourage them. Personal responsibility in the larger sphere of things. The lady's an existentialist.

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