Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ready to shoot

Storyboarded this afternoon's shoot with Storyspace and am ready to boogie. Two pick up shots I missed and 3 short scenes, a pretty easy day compared to last Sunday. I am very close to finishing -- might even finish tomorrow, even a rough cut tonight if I work tonight. Less than a minute of footage to add to the rough cut I have. I should get it to post-production for DVDs by mid-week. I'm moving right on to the mockumentary. 5 of the 7 actors want to participate in writing their own parts, so I'll give them the scenario and notes on what I want.

Feel better than yesterday. Was in a funk yesterday for reasons known only to the gods. Nothing to be in a funk about. Ah, the weather. It turned gray and rainy again. Maybe that was it. I need warmth and sun for a sense of well being. If this is true, what the hell am I doing here? And for 30 years!

Still getting good feedback on Wednesday's readings. Apparently it really touched a lot of folks. And Kate Mann inspired Andy to begin a new series at Blackbird focusing on singer/songwriters. A great idea.

This morning I'll watch a little Olympics and relax. I'm hobbling around, twisted a muscle behind my knee or some damn thing, just as a sore ankle had healed. The old body is falling apart. Doesn't help that I have it carrying so much weight, of course. Not that I'll do anything about it.

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