Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Killer

One of my goals in taking piano lessons is to learn how to play (and sing, of course) a classic Jerry Lee Lewis song, like Whole Lotta Shakin' or High School Confidential. I can't think of a better swan song for an old guy than something by the Killer.

Jerry Lee Lewis has worn very well on me over the years. Not Elvis. I only liked the early Sun Elvis to begin with (Mystery Train etc) but I can't listen to him today. But of all the old rockers, Jerry Lee has risen to the top.

I didn't like Quaid's performance in the movie, though. I thought it was a caricature. It's a fine line: if you're going to go eccentric as an actor, you have to make sure you stay in the spirit of the character. For example, Jennifer Jason Leigh is very eccentric in her performance of Dorothy Parker in Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (what a great title!) but she's so true to the character that she's brilliant. Quaid plays too much the clown for my tastes. I don't believe his performance. Leigh's performance left me shaking.

One of my favorite Lewis recordings is The London Sessions 1973.

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